Spots, Sunspots, and Everything In Between

  • 4 min read

When it comes toskincare, hyperpigmentation is one of the most common issues people face. From brown spots and dark patches to redness and discoloration, dealing with hyperpigmentation can be a real challenge – especially when you’re not sure what type of hyperpigmentation it is or how to treat it. 

Sound familiar? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back! In this article, we will tackle all things “hyperpigmentation” – from types, causes, and treatments – so that you can arm yourself with the knowledge needed to choose the best remedy for your unique situation.

What Are the Different Types of Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is most simply defined asdarkened patches or spots on the skin. It's a very common condition, affecting most people at least once in their life. Some contributors to hyperpigmentation are genetics, hormones, and too much UV exposure.

Everyone experiences hyperpigmentation differently, but the condition can be broken down into three main categories:

  • Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)
  • Sun Damage Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma. 

PIH occurs when the skin has an injury or inflammation and leaves behind red or brown marks; Sun Damage Hyperpigmentation is caused by long-term sun exposure, resulting in age spots and/or deep wrinkles; finally, Melasma is caused by an overproduction of melanin due to hormones and is often experienced during pregnancy. 

Hyperpigmentation can affect anyone, regardless of gender and age, so it’s important that you understand your own skin type before jumping into any skincare treatments.

How to Prevent Hyperpigmentation

The easiest way to avoid hyperpigmentation is by being mindful of your sun exposure. UV rays break down the collagen in our skin, causing an overproduction of melanin, which is what creates those pesky dark spots. That being the case, it's important to be diligent with sunscreen application (yep,even in the winter). 

Eating a balanced and healthy diet is also key to preventing hyperpigmentation: foods containing lycopene and antioxidants like vitamins C and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, can help protect against hyperpigmentation. 

Avoiding intense physical activity during hot summer days and keeping your skin properly hydrated by drinking lots of water and moisturizing regularly will also help reduce hyperpigmentation.

The Power of Food to Help Prevent Hyperpigmentation and Sun Damage

Food often never enters the script when it comes to maintaining healthy skin – or treating unwelcome conditions – but the health of our skin istightly bonded with overall body health, so diet should always be a part of the conversation. 

With regard to hyperpigmentation, specifically, lycopene should be your new best friend. Lycopene is a natural compound found in many fruits and vegetables – including tomatoes, watermelons, papayas, and pink grapefruits. This unique antioxidant has some amazing protective qualities when it comes to skin health. It can help protect skin from the visible effects of aging due to sun damage, as well as hyperpigmentation.

As far as photoprotection is concerned, lycopene has two main mechanisms of action: it helps absorb harmful UV radiation and also acts as a free radical scavenger. By absorbing UV light, lycopene reduces the number of UV rays that reach the skin and cause sun damage. 

Additionally, it works to neutralize the free radicals that are created by UV radiation, preventing them from causing oxidative damage to the skin. (Talk about "superfoods"!)

The most effective way to get the protective benefits of lycopene is through diet and topical application. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables high in lycopene will ensure you are getting enough of this beneficial compound. Additionally, applying a topical sunscreen containing lycopene can help to provide additional protection against UV rays.

The photoprotective benefits of lycopene make it an important part of any skin health regimen. Not only does it help protect from sun damage, but it can also reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and other signs of aging. Yes, please!

How to Keep Hyperpigmentation from Getting Worse

Keeping hyperpigmentation from worsening is possible, but it requires diligence and a dedication to protecting your skin. 

The most important thing to do is to limit sun exposure. This means not only applying sunscreen with broad-spectrum SPF 30 (or higher, depending on where you are on the map) every day, but also limiting outdoor activities during peak UV hours (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). 

Additionally, wearing protective clothing such as wide-brimmed hats, long-sleeved shirts, and sunglasses can help protect and heal the affected areas.

Using the right products is also key in keeping hyperpigmentation from worsening. Look for skincareproducts that contain vitamin C, which help keep skin protected from further hyperpigmentation as well as help lighten existing dark spots.

Natural Treatments for Hyperpigmentation

Fortunately, there are several natural treatments available to help fade hyperpigmentation. 

Skin-lightening products containing natural ingredients such as vitamin C, green tea, mulberry extract, and licorice can help reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation by blocking the production of melanin in affected areas. 

Additionally,chemical peels or exfoliating agents like lactic acid can help get rid of hyperpigmented skin cells. 

Finally, using an SPF with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide every day is one of the most effective ways to protect your skin from hyperpigmentation without harmful chemicals.

When to Seek Professional Help with Hyperpigmentation

When hyperpigmentation starts to affect your self-esteem or quality of life, it may be time to seekprofessional help

Hyperpigmentation can be a complex issue, and while there are many natural treatments available, they may not always provide the desired results. A qualified esthetician or dermatologist can help you to evaluate hyperpigmentation and recommend a treatment plan that best suits your individual needs. 

This may involve prescription creams or lightening agents, laser treatments, or a series of peels combined with products designed to treat hyperpigmentation.

No matter what type of hyperpigmentation you’re facing, it is important to remember that professional help is available. With the right knowledge, products, and guidance from a medical professional, hyperpigmentation can be managed and treated with positive results. 🥰
